By incorporating accessible design principles, websites and applications can provide a seamless user experience for all users, regardless of their abilities.
Designs that are accessible for everyone promote equality online by ensuring that content is inclusive and easily accessible for individuals of all abilities. With accessible design we can create a more inclusive digital environment where everyone can navigate, engage with, and benefit from the vast array of online content available.
Cali Digital are your trusted experts when it comes to initial reviews of digital apps and websites against the WCAG success criteria of all versions and levels. If you would like to understand if your app is accessible or want to maintain ongoing accessibility, Cali has the know how to help.
Building digital apps without user access barriers. The best place to start a digital accessibility journey is at the start of the app design process. Cali Digital offers a co-design model that works with agile development teams and designers to ensure a digital app is built accessibly from the foundation and ongoingly. Think Digital Producer with an inclusion focus.
Designed for agencies and larger organisations who have internal teams that build and maintain digital apps. Cali Digital will come in and train teams to increase accessibility knowledge across an organisation and upskill the teams who are responsible for building or managing the apps.
View all servicesCali Digital are certified accessibilitly professionals who can provide a Statement of Accessibility on completion of a 'passing' digital accessibility review. Statements are time stamped based on the date of completion. Because a website or app is constantly changing and being updated they can drift into non-compliance over time. Maintaining accessibility is a programme that should be built into the organisation and checks conducted regularly.
Yes. All our reviews are conducted against the latest WCAG principles and success criteria which includes the recently released additions of WCAG 2.2. If you're interested in paritial reviews against the newest criteria this is possible, please enquire with us directly.
Yes. Cali Digital has nearly 20 years of digital experience in website projects and can build your next accessible website. Please enquire with us directly for more information.
Yes. WCAG accessibility review of a digital PDF is something we can help you with.
Yes. Cali Digital can take the stress out of organising diverse testing groups and have the skills to facilitate user experience testing. We have unique partnerships with a few organisations that are leading employers of people with disability to support this offering.